by Wolfgang Goede | 26. Dezember 2012 15:21
„The increasing importance of science in our lives means that scientific debate on many issues has moved into the political sphere. In Germany, next September, there will be a general election and the German Association of Science Writers (TELI) has taken a pro-active position of launching a scientific debate during the run up to polling day. In ‚The Science Debate 2013‘, Wolfgang Goede elaborates the history behind and the kind of debates which will be promoted by TELI over the next nine months in Germany.“
So stellt Nigel Sanitt, Herausgeber des Pantaneto Forums in London, im Editorial der Ausgabe Januar 2013 die TELI-Wissenschafts-Debatte vor. Hier der gesamte Text unter dem Titel „The Science Debate 2013“. Er präsentiert das Format der Englisch sprechenden Welt und klärt die Historie, Methode, Absichten und Ziele.
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