by Wolfgang Goede | 25. März 2016 19:06
Debüt der Wissenschafts- und Technikdebatte auf zwei internationalen Bühnen.
Sie geht bei PCST 2016 Istanbul (Public Communication of Science & Technology) am 27. April 2016, 15.00 bis 16.15 an den Start. Titel der Veranstaltung: „How to Make Your Audience’s Neurons Rock!“.
Organisatoren und Durchführende sind TELI-Vorstandsmitglied Wolfgang Chr. Goede, Maren Schüpphaus, Methodenentwicklerin, Vorsitzende Netzwerk Gemeinsinn und Moderatorin von Wissenschaftsdebatten, zusammen mit Satu Lipponen, president emeritus der European Union of Science Journalists‘ Associations EUSJA.
Das Team präsentiert das Format mit anderen interaktiven Moderationsformen einem globalen Publikum von Wissenschaftskommunikatoren und Wissenschaftsjournalisten.
Die andere Bühne ist die größte Wissenschaftskonferenz Europas, EuroScience Open Forum ESOF 2016 in Manchester. Am 26. Juli 2016 gibt es dort von 10.00 bis 12.30 eine live Debatte mit dem Titel „Should we trust the eDoctor?“.
Sie wird organisiert und durchgeführt von Hanns-J. Neubert, Designer des Debattenformats, ehemaliger TELI-Vorsitzender und wie Lipponen EUSJA president emeritus sowie Wolfgang Chr. Goede sowie EUSJA Delegierten (Viola Egikova).
PCST Session Abstract
How to make your audiences neurons rock!
Scientific conferences are important international hubs for the exchange of new knowledge in research and technology. This requires high professional standards of science communication. However the majority of these conferences are being perceived as dull and little creative. Too monolithic with an emphasis on expert lectures and top-down panel communication, many times presented in loveless electronic formats with erratic data eruptions and information overkill.
As to an enhancement, especially in ever increasing cascades of digital applications, a new communication architecture is needed with more interactive formats, more humane touch and participants‘ inclusion. This session wants to help communicators and scientists, presenters and facilitators to inject more oxygenated blood into their public outreach acts.
We will show you around the whole canon of state of the art methods, where and how to apply and how to mix them in genuine dramaturgies and scenographies: storytelling and sociometric line-ups, fish bowls, world cafés, open space and barcamps, inverted panels, Pecha Kucha and speed dating, strategical murmur groups and science debates. The participants of this session will learn how to appreciate the audience as valuable resonators, useful pools of collective wisdom and helpful contributors with their own expertise.
If seminars and conferences want to be memorable and unique they empower the participants to become actors of their own, not by downloading the facilitators‘ or the participants own standard programs, but experimenting with new ones.
ESOF Session Abstract
Should we trust the eDoctor?
New e-health devices, a huge variety of MindApps, meditation and sleep applications promise to provide biofeedback and battle stress and its dangerous companions. Smart phones and smart watches can measure our body functions and coach us through many stressful situations. How do they work? Can they replace or assist doctors, check soaring health costs, cut down on sick days? How do e-health and its devices work and perform in the general field of health? Do these devices have undesired side effects, such as potential addiction? Can they make matters worse or even make us hypochondriacs? What do e-health designers, health officials, patient groups and the public say?
Siehe zu eDoctors auch die TELI Jour fixe Prototyp-Veranstaltung im Münchner PresseClub und Berichterstattung
„Gesundheits-Apps auf Krankenschein“
„Smartphone-App als Krisenhelfer?“ in daz Nr. 72, S. 23
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