New Tools for Citizen Participation in Science

PROSO final panel in Brussels with PROSO team leader Marion Dreyer, 2nd left (c) PROSO

The EU Horizon 2020 project PROSO aims to foster the engagement of third sector organizations (like NGOs) and citizens for Responsible Research and Innovation. Now a helpful tool box is on hand.

At two occasions, the organizers and promoters of the German Science Debate were invited to attend seminars and conferences which helped to shape PROSO tools (Sofia 2016, Brussels 2017). Both, Wolfgang Chr. Goede and Hanns-J. Neubert reflected on the PROSO approach and how it could benefit from the experience of the German Science Debate („Right on Track“, „Forschung und Innovationen müssen die Menschen mitnehmen“).


Now PROSO has published a Support Tool for promoting engagement of citizens and third sector actors in research and in research and innovation policy. Its main target groups are policy makers and governmental agencies, research funding organizations and research councils, research organizations, other engagement performing organizations, and third sector actors (such as civil society organizations) at national and European Union levels.

PROSO breakout session, with Jens Degett (right), President of the European Union Science Journalists‘ Associations EUSJA (c) PROSO

The document identifies important barriers to engagement and offers a range of policy options and inspiring practice examples to lower or overcome these barriers.

It addresses five major issues and offers valuable knowhow:

* How to create relevance,
* provide for impact,
* build trust, knowledge and skills,
* provide resources,
* build legitimacy.

The Support Tool is the final document of the project, which started in January 2016 and ended in February 2018.


Under „Inspiring Examples: online/offline dialogue format initiated by a Third Sector Organization“ the PROSO Support Tool refers explicitly to the German Science Debate (p. 28):

„The German Science Debate, an initiative of the journalist association TELI e.V., i.e. a third sector organization, combines online debates of science policy issues of vital importance to
contemporary society with face-to-face-debates. The debates include politicians, scientists, the media, and the public (more information here — a manual about philosophy and techniques — and here — the Debate Website).“

The German Science Debate and TELI would like to thank the PROSO team and team leader Marion Dreyer for this valuable and pleasurable collaboration!

For an overview of PROSO tools please click on PROSO poster!

PROSO Poster Support Tool (2018)

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